Language Translator
Translation application featuring real-time language detection and translation. Integrated Firebase Authentication for user management and Cloud Storage to maintain translation history.
Weather app & Location finder
Used Provider state management and live location tracking to deliver instant weather updates. Built with clean architecture, REST APIs, and modern Flutter practices.
Currency Converter
Live exchange rates and interactive charts for currency analysis. Implemented Provider state management for seamless data flow and integrated REST APIs for real-time conversion rates.
Crypto Price Tracker
Real-time cryptocurrency prices and personalized watchlists. Integrated Supabase for user authentication and favorite coin storage, while implementing Provider for state management.
Transcribe Translator
Flutter application that converts speech to text across multiple languages. Integrated Firebase Authentication for secure user access and Hive for efficient local storage of translation history.
Minimal Todo App
A simple application featuring task management with Hive for local storage and Provider for state management. Implemented dynamic theme switching, allowing users to personalize their app experience with light and dark mode options.